More than 50 % of the energy consumption in the Danish food and beverage industry is based on fossil fuels.
This project can accelerate the green transition of the industry that shows a significant potential. Many industrial processes can be converted from fossil fuels to electricity and thus simultaneously reduce the energy consumption and displace large quantities of CO2 emissions.
Many involved partners
I helped design the visual identity for “Elektrificering af Fødevareindustrien“, which involves a lot of big players. The project is a partnership between:
- The Danish Food and Drink Federation
- The Danish Energy Industries Federation
- The Danish Agriculture & Food Council
- Danish Energy
- Technical University of Denmark
- Viegand Maagøe (I work here!)
Not to mention all the food and beverage companies that the project are testing new electric technologies on.
Professional design
The people interacting with “Elektrificering af fødevareindustrien” will mainly be part of the corporate or industrial world, and as such the visual identity needed to be professional rather than cute or playful.
I sketched a thousand different kind of logos and typefaces. Finally I ended up with different variants of a lightning combined with the typical icon for a factory.
The colors needed to look professional as well, but with a touch of power or “oomph”, to illustrate something being electrified. As such I ended up with a palette with different shades of blue along with a bright yellow as an a accent for emphasis
As for the typeface, the strongest response among the demographic was for Roboto, which is a modern sans-serif font, but paired with the slightly more ornamental version Roboto Slab.
Both are available on Google Fonts, which makes it easily available for all project partners to download and implement
Finally, the design needs to work for a wide array of media:
- Websites
- Flyers
- Posters
- Standees
- Social media
- Videos
- Slide shows
- … and more
The finished visual identity
With all of this in mind, we ended up with these elements:
Primary logo
Collection of icons to illustrate technologies
Printed materia
See everything at